Birth Education

Classes every Thursday at 6pm
January 5-February 9

  • This six week class walks you through the basics of labor and delivery. It will help you make informed choices and leave you feeling empowered and knowledgable! My goal is to make every person that takes my class feel prepared and confident.

  • Week 1

    -Affirmations and Our Subconscious

    -Your Growing uterus

    -Care Providers and Birth Places

    -Birth Options

  • Week 2

    -Nurturing Ourselves

    -Holistic Stages of Labor

    -Coping in Labor and Birth

    -Connecting Well with My Baby

  • Week 3

    -Policies and Procedures

    -Birth Plans

    -Informed Consent


  • Week 4

    -My Baby’s Positioning

    -My Labor Journey

    -Cesarean Birth

  • Week 5

    -Second Stage Labor

    -The Placenta

    -Postpartum Care and Recovery

    -Your Magical Milk

  • Week 6

    -Adjusting to Your New Life

    -Good Babies

    -Postpartum Mental Health


This six-week in-person course allows you to connect with other couples as you venture into parenthood. This is a safe space where you can ask questions you may not feel comfortable asking your care provider. There is no subject off limits (we even discuss circumcision!), but every topic will be handled with grace, dignity, and compassion. My goal is that you leave feeling informed and able to make a confident decision you believe in.

All sales are final and non-refundable.